Kappa Leadership Development League

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Lovely Ladies of Kappa League

LKL Khapter Khronicles

On May 18, 2006 the Lovely Ladies of Kappa League krossed and graced the halls of Hillside High School with their presence. The Spring Line "35 Konceited Diamonds" honored all the men or Kappa League by khoosing to be our sisters. 
The ladies started 70 deep and spent many months on line. Half of ladies quit or were dropped and we took the 35 best or the "diamonds" on the ladies and made them members of the Kappa Leadership Development League, The Lovely Ladies of Kappa League (LKL).

**LKL - Spring 2006 Line- 35 Konceited Diamonds**
1. Jamie "Kamazing Ace" Perkins**
2. Asia "Ms. Konspiracy" Nelson
3. Brittany "Koko Puffs" Cheatham
4. Jade "Special K" Heggins**
5. Belina "Kappachino" Griffin**
6. Elizabeth "Komissorner" Young**
7. Janelle "MisKonduct" Lewis**
8. Rasheda "Karmel" Carpenter
9. Kendra "Eye Kandy" McDonald**
10. Tazija "Kookies & Kreme" Paiva
11. Shauntiel "Kwiet Storm II" Woods*
12. Bianca "Klean Kut" Brodie
13. Altrise "Reknown Konfidence" Anderson
14. Arlesa "Ice Kold" Marsh**
15. Alicia "Klumsy" Powell**
16. Natarrah "Komplete Silence" McDonald
17. Kendra "Krimial Justice" Johnson**
19. Courtney "Klockwork" Green**
20. Brittany "Kotton Kandy" Marrow**
21. Mia "Komments" Morris*
22. Jasmine "K-Factor" Brown**
23. Patyrce "Komic Queen" May*
24. Javonta "Da Kountry Kid" Harvey**
25. PaShara "Klueless the Diva" Black**
26. Simone "Kimora II" Howard**
27. Brittany "Kreepy Krawler" Burch**
28. Yasim "Kan't Get Right" Toure**
29. Shankuria "Kissy" Sanders
30. Brittany "Kloud 9" Suitt**
31. Alexis "Ms. Know-it-all" Tyler
34. Chelsea "M.I.K.A (Missing In Kappa Action)" Rowland
35. Jamie "Kwestions and Koncerns" Burton*

**LKL - Spring 2007 Line - Koalescence**
1. Kia Williams
2. Iremy Parker
3. Keinah Perry
4. Maya Lewis
5. Coey Reed
6. Kaylan Moore
7. Katrice Thomas
8. Kalya Barham
9. Kala Hinnant

* Graduated Klass of 2006
** Graduated Klass of 2007

Adivisor: Ms. Roctika Redden

Ms. Redden, of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is the very proud advisor of the Ladies of Kappa League HHS Khapter.

Klub Officers
Vice President
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
Social Chair
Academic Chair

KAPPA LEAGUE.....1-9-7-0............1-9-9-8